Five Actions of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church believes that the life, death and ressirection of Jesus is essential for a better future of the world. The Catholic Church takes five important action to make Jesus an essential part for the future.
1. The Catholic Church proclaims Jesus Christ
[1] The Church keeps the memory of Jesus alive, in the present and past. The Church believes that Holy Spirit resides in all the hearts of believers. Today, the Church keeps the memory of Jesus alive by doing one thing: preaching. Every Sunday, the Church preaches and celebrates the good news of Jesus in every circumstance. The Church just find a new ways of telling everyone the story of Jesus and live it.
2. The Catholic Church worships Christ thorough the sacraments
[1] The Church celebrates life and love thorugh the seven sacraments. The liturgy shows faith of the people and builts the Church. Through baptism and comfirmation, the Church initates people into Chirst's life, death, and resurrection. Every Sunday, we celebrate Chirst through Eucharist. Every day, we forgive where forgivness is needed; heal when healing is needed; call people to represent Christ when leaders of faith are needed, and proclaim when Christians look out to keep Christ in the centre of their married like together.
3. The Catholic Church forms a communion of people
[1] The orginal meaning of Church comes from the Hebew word qahal meaning religious assembly of people. The main task for Church is to bring spiritual and physical community of people of God. As a community, we are to maintian a close friendship with the Lord. Together, the we are trasformed into a commnity of love, justice, compassion, and courage. Going to the Church and gathering as a community makes us people of God.
4. The Catholic Church gives witness
[1]The Church conveys the message of salvation, healing, forgiveness, and love to the world by what they do and say. This is difficult task that takes a lifetime to accomplish. To show faith in the gospel, we must live it. As Catholics, we must ask how we can show that Christ is present in our daily lives.
5. The Catholic Church serves
[1] To make Jesus an essential part of the future, the Church must follow Jesus' example not to rule but serve. The Church goes on in the name of the kingdom of God so by serving people of the world, we grow closer to the kingdom, We, as the Church, are excepted to serve those who are in need.
[1]"Christ and Culture - Unit 7 Relating to the Church: We Are the Church."Christ and Culture: Grade 10. Ottawa: Publications Service, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2001. 183-84. Print. We Are Strong Together.