Rituals and Symbols: Part of the Mass
The opening rite is gathering and welcoming to celebrate that we are one because of what God has done in Christ Jesus. We come together from our workplaces, our homes, and our daily activities to worship.
Opening Song
[1] Starts the celebration and leads our thought to what we are celebrating. It also makes us feel united
Entrance Procession
[1] Special objects are used for celebration are carried by those wiht aspecial role in the liturgy. The entrance procession helps set the mood for the celebratio and is a visible reminder that we are there together in one place to worship
Sign of the Cross/Amen
[1] All Christian worship in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
[1] Though this greeting is done in many forms, it is a reminder that God is with us and always will be.
Penitential Rite and the Lord Have Mercy or the Sprinkling Rite
[1] This can be done in many way but it all has the same meaning: to seek reconciliation as a community. We celebrate theh new life we have in Christ that is free from sin and God cleanses us from sin everytime we truly repnt and seek forgiveness
[1] Gloria is an ancient Christian hymn of praise and thanksgiving. It also adds the spirit of the season when is it espacialy sung on Chirstiman, Easter, feast days, and speacial occasions.
Opening Prayer Silence/Amen
[1] This is the gathering prayer than cannot be left out. After the moment of silent prater i which the whole community prayer for common concern, the prayer gathers the concerns and presents them to the Father through Jesus' name is the Holy Spirit.
The Liturgy of the Word (Listening)
During the Liturgy, the Church proclaims the word of God in the midst of the gathering. People listen attentively; in a sense, they huddle around God's story
First Reading
[1] This reading is chosen ro reflect on the gospel. It is a proclamation from the Old Testament.
Responsorial Psalm/ Refrain
[1] A psalm that reflects the tone of the first reading which is best when sung.
Gospel Accalmtion/ Alleluia (or alternative) The Lord be with you...and also with you
[1] As we do this, we are welcoming the word of God joyfully by singing allelluia or other alternative
[1] The homily is the key part of the mass that interprets the word of God for today and leads the community to give praise and thanks to God. .
Profession of Faith
[1] The Creed helps the people respond and agree to the word of God. It leads their thoughtd to the truths of faith. It is said to remember God's acts in history.
General Intercession or Prayers of the Faithful
[1] This is an act for the whole community. It offers the Lord the community which is ready to serve. Petitions are usually sent in this order:
1. for the needs of the Church
2. for the public authorities and the salvation of the world
3. for those oppressed by any need
4. for the local community
The Liturgy of the Eucharist (Givng Praise and Thanks)
The basic pattern for the Liturgy of the Eucharist, inherited from the Last Supper, consists of four part
1. the Lord took bread and wine - we take break and wine
2. He said the prayers of blessing - we pray the prayer of thanksgivng (eucharist prayer)
3. He broke the bread - we break the bread (in preperation for communion)
4. He gave the broken break and the cup to His disciples - we share the one bread and the one cup (communion)
Preparation os the Alter and Presenation of the Gifts
[1] We prepare the table and bring gifts in hope that the Lord will accept the prayer and the gifts.
The Eucharistic Prayer
[1] There are nine diffrent eucharist prayers: four that may be used for any occasion, two Masses of reconciliation, and three for Masses with children. Eucharist prayer I emphasizes the unity of the Church. Echuarist prayer II sums up all that God has done through Jesus. Eucharaist prayer III focus on our relationship with Jesus and how Jesus' sacrifices help us to reconnect with the Father. Eucharist prayer IV offers the most complete summary of salvation reminding us of God's faithfulness and love thorughout history. The two Echaristic prayers for masses if reconciliation focus on God's healing ans forgiving love. The three echarist prayer for children use simple language to summarize what God has done for us and what He call us to do.
Communion Rite
Lord's Prayer, Rite of Peace
[1] Before breaking the bread together and eating and drinking, we express unity with one another by praying. This way, we exchange peace as well.
Breaking the Bread
[1] This is the key to celebrate; we eat from the same breasd which is the body of Christ. During the beaking of the bread, the "Lamb of God" is sung.
This is the Lamb of God...Lord, I am not Worthy
[1] The Priest and people prepapre to recieve the body and blood of Chirst. We respond to the invitation with a prayer of humility and hope.
[1] We receive the body and blood of Christ. During this time, we meditate in song and silence.
Dismissal Rite (Going Forth)
The dimissal consits of
a) the priest's greeting and blessing
b) the dismissal of the community, which sends each person back to doing good works, while praising and blessing the Lord
Blessing/ Amen
[1] The final blessing is given in a simple or complex form. The more complex form reminds us of what Gog has done for us and names particulae hope with the focus on the day's Mass.
Dismissal/Thanks be to God
[1] The liturgy is always concluded by the trinitarian blessing (In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit)
Closing Song
[1] The closing song remind us to go out in the world to share the Good News we have recieved.
"Christ and Culture - Unit 7 Relating to the Church: We Are the Church."Christ and Culture: Grade 10. Ottawa: Publications Service, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2001. 183-84. Print. We Are Strong Together.